Hop Hopp Hopper!



”Painting will have to deal more fully and less obliquely with life and nature’s phenomena before it can again become great”

Edward Hopper: "Statement", submitted in 1953 to the journal, Reality


Today I went to visit Edward Hopperat the Grand Palais in Paris! First of all, the Grand Palais is one of the most majestic modern construction in Paris. It is like a palace capped in glass.

Thanks to the Sesam Pass, I did not need to stand in line. The exhibition is sold out till February and I do not want to know how long one have to hang around in the queue on a Sunday afternoon to look at Hopper’s Masterpieces.

The exhibition exposes the entire Hopper evolution and some paintings from friends and teachers.

At the beginning I thought : OMG even I could paint such a thing. However, after 40 minutes I was ashamed of…

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